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    Cootie!!! - Music a la Abbott - Amy Abbott - Kodály Inspired Blog and Teachers Music Education Resource


    I can't begin to tell you how excited I am over my current project.  Now, I'm only done with "phase 1," (lol), as "phase 2" will include electronic versions of this that you can use with a PowerPoint.

    It all started when my mom was cleaning out my Grandmother's basement after she passed away a few years ago.  Well, I've told you all that I have a hoarding problem- it stems from my mother.  She saved ALL of my toys from when I was little- I mean ALL my toys!  Well, she brought them over to my house and in my haste, with having a newborn and a two year old, threw them in my basement.  Last year when my husband wanted my to "dig out" my old Cabbage Patch kids for his '80s lessons (he teaches history and was teaching '80's pop culture) I ran across not only MY old Cootie Game, but also my dad's VERY old retro game.  It looks just like this (and they wonder why I don't throw anything out, lol!):

    It started my wheels turning as to how to use it in my classroom.  Well, here's the result (again, this is "phase 1"):

    Basically, I created a document with rhythmic and melodic patterns that I can use to tailor make a game for my students.  It explains the my sequence (the order I teach my rhythmic and melodic concepts) and how to make cards for the game:

    There are directions on how to play the game.  You'll need a dice to complete this game.  What happens is the students are divided into teams.  They roll the dice to see which body part they will roll for.   If they roll a 1 then they go for the body part.  In order to earn the body part, they must correctly perform the rhythm or melody on the "body" card.  They keep rolling and playing until one team completes a Cootie.  This version will work very well as a center or small group.  "Phase 2," with the PowerPoint, will be tailored more to playing it as an entire class.

    There is a "key" for the game:

    The body part cards to print out:

    And then there's a sample of a rhythm card and it's set:

     And a melodic card and it's set (all of the melody cards site which songs the phrases are extracted from.  Students will be more successful singing phrases from known songs rather than unknown material(:

     And then I added a Compose-Your-Own card set:
    The only difference is that these body parts have the lines on them for cutting (this is omitted on the pre-made rhythm and melody cards.  The reason being that the melody and rhythm cards have the lines.  I learned the hard way that you only want one set of cards marked when you print back-to-back, if you want it to look "tidy.")

    I was going to post these once I have the PowerPoint versions complete, but if you go to my Teachers Pay Teachers store and buy it today you can get it (as well as anything else in my store) for 28% off!!!  

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